a group of children writing at a desk

School Education

School Education
in a Class Environment

Equipping Your Child With the Building Blocks for a Better Education.

While the true strength and purpose of our institute is utilizing behavioral science in order to curb negative behaviors and cultivate positive ones, the method by which we do this is putting your child in a classroom setting where they’ll learn educational skills and foundational knowledge needed to academically compete with other children of their age and grade.

a woman and a child sit with an open book and piece of paper
an icon of a child and a teacher sitting at a desk in the corner of the room an icon of a male teacher reading to a group of children sitting on the floor

Various Skills Taught in Pre-K Environments

  • Counting and recognizing numbers.
  • Language and speech skills.
  • Shape and color recognition.
  • Early writing
  • Motor
  • Reading comprehension.

Removing Obstructions to Education

Our Most Important Goal Is to Help Your Child Learn How to Learn.

Self-regulation is an important part of school readiness. Studies show that children with strong self-regulation skills have a better chance of academic success, and it’s easy to see why. Self-regulation is required in order for a child to focus on scholarly tasks, interact positively with classmates and instructors, and respond to instruction and assignments. In addition to directly educating your child with regards to the early academic skills they’ll need to succeed in school, we eliminate the roadblocks that could otherwise impede academic progress, enabling them to thrive and learn in a school environment.

Self regulation skills include:

  • Curb impulsivity in order to follow class rules
  • Plan for and communicate physical needs (including bathroom and snack breaks, etc.)
  • Cope with challenges and disappointments
  • Maintain attention and focus on educational tasks
  • Interact positively with teachers and classmates
  • Separate from parents as necessary
a child plays with paint
an aerial view of the Scottsdale Children's Institutean icon of a child with a pencil writing

Free School Readiness Screening.

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